Sun, 27 July 2008
This series is titled Family Survivor, but really, you want to do more than survive. There are times that just surviving is a victory, but for the most part, surviving isn't winning. You want to do more than survive. You want to win!
Mon, 21 July 2008
Not all family moments are fun or funny. Life is not one long fun-filled vacation. Challenges arise. Hard times come. How do you not only survive tough times with your family, but grow closer as a result?
Fri, 18 July 2008
Have you ever wanted to kick someone out of your family for doing something stupid? Unlike reality shows, we really can't kick someone off our "island," but in every home, in every relationship, conflict will arise. Solving conflict in a Biblical manner is key to a healthy home.
Fri, 18 July 2008
Life is pretty hectic these days, isn't it? The average family doesn't even eat dinner together that often anymore. In this message, the first in the Family Survivor series, Rod Loy talks about the importance of keeping your family together in a busy world.
Fri, 18 July 2008
So, gas prices have you down? They keep getting higher and higher with no sign of coming down any time soon. Gas prices are causing a lot of people to rethink their spending. In this final message of the Living Large series, Rod Loy talks about more principles to share with your family about money and finances.
Fri, 18 July 2008
Ants are tiny creatures with tiny brains. Yet, they somehow know to put away food and supplies for the future. Are you as smart as an ant? In this message, Rod Loy talks about more principles to teach your children about finances.
Fri, 18 July 2008
Like Veruca Salt, the little brat in the Willy Wonka movie, we often want to buy possessions right now. Stewardship, though, involves spending our money more wisely. In this message, Rod Loy examines some more principles of stewardship.
Fri, 18 July 2008
Some people get nervous when a preacher starts talking about money in church. But today, everywhere you go, people are talking about money. It's on TV, in the newspapers and the internet. In this message, Rod Loy teaches some principles that can transform your financial life and future and positively impact the lives of the next generation.
Fri, 18 July 2008
In this message, Rod Loy looks at the story of King David bringing the Ark of the Covenant back into Jerusalem. From this story, we can learn some leadership lessons that affect our lives today.
Tue, 1 July 2008
People looking at your life would assume you to be incredibly happy. You wish that was true. If you have been trying to fill an empty spot in your life with money, power, fame, or position, you know it doesn't work. You can climb to the top in the world and still feel empty. There has to be something more, right?
Tue, 1 July 2008
Worship is more than a time in a church service when we sing. Worship is being in the presence of God anytime. In this message, Rod Loy looks at this principle: when you spend time in God's presence, blessings follow.
Tue, 1 July 2008
In this last message of the Life is a Highway series, Rod Loy looks at dead ends, and how they don't have to be the end for you
Tue, 1 July 2008
As we get older, our focus should shift from achievement to legacy. It's not about what we can do, but what we can pass on. In this message, Rod Loy looks at this principle: each generation has a responsibility to the ones behind it to serve as an example and leave a legacy of faith.