Mon, 30 August 2021
We all face fear. In this message, as we continue our study of Joshua, we’ll look at a story where Joshua led the people of Israel past their fear and toward their promised reward. You’ll learn a powerful principle about perspective and how to change your focus. |
Sun, 22 August 2021
This message kicks off our new series on Joshua. There is so much to learn from his life and leadership! We start our study with an often-overlooked four verse story – that contains the key to Joshua’s success as a leader and victory in battles. You will be challenged to change! |
Mon, 16 August 2021
In this message, we’ll look at an amazing story from the book of Acts where Paul spoke truth to power in the place of power. It’s going to challenge you to consider what truth you speak and encourage you to boldly share your faith. |
Mon, 9 August 2021
When you pick and choose what the Bible has to say, you lose key passages that can help you through difficult seasons of life. In this message, you will learn important pieces from God's Word that will give you the keys to persevere through difficulty and struggle. It will be an eye-opening look at often-ignored Scriptures. |
Sun, 1 August 2021
When the Bible specifically addresses something, your decision is clear and easy. But what do you do when the decision you face is not specifically addressed? How do you decide and live in a way that honors God? In this message, we look at "How to Make Decisions in Life’s Grey Areas”. |
Sun, 1 August 2021
If you have grown up in church, you may be familiar with the term "holiness." But how can you live a holy life in a world where standards are always shifting? In this message, you will discover that you must empty the trash from your life if you wish to be the "salt and light" of the world - just as Jesus has called you to be. |