Sat, 26 August 2017
As we see in sports, television, politics, and even in how we use our social media accounts, popular culture rewards those that self-promote. As we learn from our study of Paul's instructions to the people of Crete, Christians are supposed to stand out by being humble.
Direct download: 2017_08_26_Sat_Sermon_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:57pm CST |
Sat, 19 August 2017
To some so-called Christians, the concept of grace has been interpreted as permission to live how we want to live. But, we learn from studying Paul's letter to Titus and the church on the island of Crete, that we must live as an example to others.
Direct download: 2017_08_19_Sat_Sermon_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:41pm CST |
Sat, 12 August 2017
You only live once, and you intend to make this life count, but when your plans go wrong it is easy to think that maybe God isn't planning to use you like you thought? Through the story of Mordecai and Esther you can find assurance that God is still preparing you for your moment.
Direct download: 2017_08_12_Sat_Sermon_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:18pm CST |
Sat, 5 August 2017
Esther had a lot to lose when her cousin asked her to approach King Xerxes to save her people. From the story of Esther we learn how to recognize when the moment that God has been preparing us for arrives.
Direct download: 2017_05_05_Sermon_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:44pm CST |