Sun, 28 February 2016
It's easy to forgive someone who cuts you off in traffic, or the bully from Third Grade. You can get past things like that. The people closest to you are more difficult to forgive. The hurts are deep. The memories stay fresh. What is forgiveness, and what is it not?
Direct download: 2016_02_27_Sat_Sermon_1-2-MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:26pm CST |
Sun, 21 February 2016
Negative thinking is the pull to see everything and everyone through a critical, cynical grid. This pattern of thinking holds you back, diminishes your influence and keeps you from developing relationships with others. In this message, Pastor Brian Dollar examines how to get rid of "stinking thinking."
Direct download: 2016_02_20_Sat_1-2-MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:07pm CST |
Sun, 14 February 2016
How does God get through to someone whose conscience has been seared, who no longer feels or knows the difference between right and wrong?
Direct download: 2016_02_13_Sat_Sermon_1-2-MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:38pm CST |
Sun, 7 February 2016
Pastor Brad's new song from the February 6,7 weekend services: I Remember You |
Sun, 7 February 2016
We all hate to wait. The worst waiting is when you have a dream, or a promise from God that hasn't come to pass yet. You know what should happen. But it's not happening. This is the place where many people give up on His promise, their assignment, or their dream. But what is happening while we wait?
Direct download: 2016_02_07_AM3_1-2-MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:55pm CST |
Sun, 31 January 2016
When you are faithful in how you treat others and are generous, you can expect to be blessed. You can't expect to be blessed when you are disobedient. We all understand that. But, how do you respond when you've been faithful and things still go wrong? |