Sun, 21 February 2010
Every day, you make decisions based on priorities. And every day you send a message with those decisions. Where do we spend most of our time? How should we spend our time?
Sun, 14 February 2010
Have you ever been in a place where the world seemed to be closing in on you? You may have felt overwhelmed and overloaded, like there was just no way you could handle anything else. In this message, Pastor Brian Dollar talks about Philippians 4:13: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." This passage of scripture was written by the Apostle Paul to people who were suffering. The passage has a lot to say to us today! |
Sun, 7 February 2010
In Matthew 22, the Pharisees ask Jesus, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" His answer was clear and simple for them, and for us. If you wan to know how to be a life-long follower of Jesus Christ, this is the starting place. |
Sat, 6 February 2010
In this message, Rod Loy looks at the signs of an unhealthy relationship. This is an important message for anyone, from students to adults! |