Mon, 27 December 2021
The day after a special occasion - Christmas, a birthday, graduation - always seems to be a letdown. The "day after" can never live up to the "day of". But this isn't just true for special occasions - sadly, it can be true for our relationship with God. |
Mon, 20 December 2021
Are you searching for the perfect gift? Good news! The perfect gift has already been given to you. God sent His son, Jesus to save you. It was the ultimate display of love and care. In this message, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus. |
Sun, 12 December 2021
How well do you know the Christmas story? The real story - not the commercialized one where Santa comes to visit baby Jesus before he is off to stuff our stockings. Who was really at the manger that silent night? In this message, you will learn from the story of the most and least influential characters in the Christmas story - the shepherds and wise men. You will see from the drastic social difference between the shepherds and wise men that Jesus is for everyone - Every Soul Matters to God. |
Mon, 6 December 2021
Every good story has some sort of villain. Disney movies, marvel comics, and even Hallmark Christmas classics all have someone who you would consider the villain. In this message, we will take a look at a Christmas story character that often is not focused on. King Herod – the villain of our story – was a ruthless and self-centered ruler who tried to stop Jesus’ life at its very beginning. But Herod’s power was temporary and his kingdom faded away – just like every force that is intent on destroying Jesus and His kingdom. You will be encouraged that we serve the King of Kings who will reign forever. |
Mon, 29 November 2021
When the Christmas story is told, Mary always gets top billing. But Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, also played a meaningful role. In this message, we’ll learn powerful lessons from Joseph. You’ll be challenged and encouraged to obey God and be part of His plan for the world. |
Mon, 29 November 2021
Have you ever wanted to be used by God, but wondered if He could really use you? This message is the start of our new series: "The Real Christmas Story!" We will slow down and take a closer look at the main characters in the Christmas story. The first person we are studying is Mary – a simple, ordinary girl who was used by God in an extraordinary way. You will be encouraged to believe that God can and will use you! |
Mon, 15 November 2021
Have you felt overwhelmed? Does it seem like there is a spirit of heaviness in your life? You feel like something is wrong, but you aren't sure what. You have a sense of burden and pressure. One day you feel great, but the next day, without anything changing, you are ready to give up. If that's how you feel, this message is for you. God has a word for you. |
Mon, 15 November 2021
Have you ever seen someone rescued? Maybe they were drowning and the lifeguard pulled them out of the water in time. Maybe they had to be pulled out of a car after a bad wreck. People have to be rescued from "life-or-death" situations all of the time. In this message, you will have the opportunity to hear about some of the amazing work that Project Rescue is doing to rescue women and children from sexual slavery! You will hear about their "life-or-death" situations and be challenged to run to their rescue. |
Mon, 15 November 2021
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to be rescued? If it hasn't happened yet, it will. Maybe the small arguments in your marriage have turned volatile and it seems like it is heading for disaster. Maybe the city shut off your power and you aren't sure how you will make it through the winter. Whatever the situation may be, you are bound to be in need of a rescue. In this message, you will see how the enemy strikes in our lowest times. You will be encouraged to stand with your brothers and sisters in Christ during times of need. |
Mon, 25 October 2021
Have you ever felt trapped? Don’t give up – there is hope! In this message, we will start a new series exploring some of the greatest rescues found in the Bible. We will start by seeing how we all need to be rescued from the trap of sin. You will learn how the love of Jesus saves you in even the most impossible situations. You’ll also be challenged to share that love with others! |
Mon, 18 October 2021
Have you ever received bad advice? At times bad advice is funny to laugh at, but other times it is devastating. Maybe someone convinced you to do a business deal. It fell through and you lost everything. Maybe you listened to your friends and now your reputation is damaged. Maybe you followed the wrong crowd and now you no longer follow God. In this message, you will hear a story from the life of Joshua that will give you the directions back to God. If you are following the wrong directions, you do not want to miss this hope-filled weekend! |
Mon, 11 October 2021
Have you ever failed? Has a decision you made caused people around you to suffer horrible consequences? No doubt, you wish you could take it back, but the damage was done! In this message, we will look at the story of one man’s failure that brought an entire nation to its knees. When all hope was lost, God made his plan of restoration known to all of His people. You will be challenged to inspect your heart for the things that can often lead to failure. |
Mon, 4 October 2021
Have you ever dealt with something difficult and it seemed like it would never go away? Maybe you find yourself in that position right now! How long do you trust God to make it right? Why should you keep trusting when nothing is happening? Is it even worth it at this point?
Sun, 26 September 2021
Have you ever felt God tell you to do something that you didn't think would work? Maybe you even thought God could be wrong this time! What do you do when God's instructions don't seem to make sense? In this message, we continue to walk through the life of Joshua. We will look at one of the most famous stories in the Bible. You will see that God can provide extraordinary miracles through unconventional ways. |
Sun, 19 September 2021
Have you ever kept something, not because it is valuable, but because it is a reminder of a special moment? The thing isn’t really special, but the memory is priceless. In this message, as we continue our study of Joshua, we will look at a story where even though the circumstances said “No way”, God made a way. Joshua and the Israelites did something special so the moment would never be forgotten. You’ll learn how to mark special moments in a way that will remind you of God’s promises and power. |
Sun, 12 September 2021
Have you ever been in a place where God’s Word doesn’t seem to match your current circumstances? What do you do when God says “Go," but everything around you seems to say “No”? In this message, we’ll look at an amazing moment where the Israelites confronted an impossible obstacle. There seemed to be no way to obey God’s word to “Go”. It’s a story that will let you know how God responds when you take a step of faith. You’ll be encouraged to move forward in obedience! |
Mon, 6 September 2021
It seems like there’s a lot to be afraid of in our world today. Every day brings more bad news. What do you do? How do you respond to the fear? In this message, as we continue our study of Joshua we’ll take a look at a fear-filled moment in Joshua’s life. You’ll learn God’s answers to your fears. It’s an exciting, encouraging message that will help you move forward with confidence and faith! |
Mon, 30 August 2021
We all face fear. In this message, as we continue our study of Joshua, we’ll look at a story where Joshua led the people of Israel past their fear and toward their promised reward. You’ll learn a powerful principle about perspective and how to change your focus. |
Sun, 22 August 2021
This message kicks off our new series on Joshua. There is so much to learn from his life and leadership! We start our study with an often-overlooked four verse story – that contains the key to Joshua’s success as a leader and victory in battles. You will be challenged to change! |
Mon, 16 August 2021
In this message, we’ll look at an amazing story from the book of Acts where Paul spoke truth to power in the place of power. It’s going to challenge you to consider what truth you speak and encourage you to boldly share your faith. |
Mon, 9 August 2021
When you pick and choose what the Bible has to say, you lose key passages that can help you through difficult seasons of life. In this message, you will learn important pieces from God's Word that will give you the keys to persevere through difficulty and struggle. It will be an eye-opening look at often-ignored Scriptures. |
Sun, 1 August 2021
When the Bible specifically addresses something, your decision is clear and easy. But what do you do when the decision you face is not specifically addressed? How do you decide and live in a way that honors God? In this message, we look at "How to Make Decisions in Life’s Grey Areas”. |
Sun, 1 August 2021
If you have grown up in church, you may be familiar with the term "holiness." But how can you live a holy life in a world where standards are always shifting? In this message, you will discover that you must empty the trash from your life if you wish to be the "salt and light" of the world - just as Jesus has called you to be. |
Sun, 18 July 2021
In this message, we look at a time when Jesus was criticized for sharing a meal with lost people. He wasn’t afraid to spend time with even the worst sinners—and He provides an example for us to follow. You’ll be reminded of the importance of putting lost people first, and you’ll learn some practical ways of introducing them to Jesus. |
Mon, 12 July 2021
It’s easy to see the needs of others around you and be moved to do something about them. But trying to meet them based on your own strength, time, and resources can be overwhelming—or even impossible. In this message, we’ll look at a time when Jesus used a little to make a huge difference. We'll discover how Jesus modeled what His followers should do in the face of overwhelming need. He can do a lot with a little! |
Sun, 4 July 2021
In a culture that didn’t value children, Jesus not only welcomed them—He said adults should be more like them. In this message, we look at what it means to have childlike faith. |
Sun, 27 June 2021
In this message, we look at a story Jesus told that demonstrates His heart for people who are lost and hurting. In this story, Jesus gives specific instructions to His followers to partner with Him in filling every seat at the table. There’s room for everyone! |
Mon, 21 June 2021
Eating together is just as important as the eating. We gather around kitchen tables to share meals—but more importantly—to talk, laugh, learn, and even make decisions. In this message, we study a time when Jesus gathered His disciples for one last meal before His crucifixion. We get a clear picture of who Jesus is and how we should relate to Him. |
Sun, 13 June 2021
Do you feel surrounded and overwhelmed? In this message we look at a passage of Scripture that illustrates God’s attentive care for you in the middle of your most desperate circumstances. |
Mon, 7 June 2021
This weekend Pastor Rod and Cindy celebrate 20 years as the senior pastors of First NLR. In these 20 years they have learned a lot - from victories, mistakes, and from you. In this message Pastor Rod will share the biggest lessons he's learned in the last 20 years and how you can apply them to your life. |
Sun, 30 May 2021
Do things just keep getting worse? The Bible tells us that trouble is part of living in this world. In this message, we look at a story in the Bible of a man who suffered a series of devastating losses—and stayed full of faith through it all. In his comeback story, you’ll discover principles for making it through difficulty to find blessing and victory on the other side. |
Sun, 30 May 2021
Are you discouraged? Depression and anxiety can seem to come out of nowhere. And, even committed followers of Jesus experience times of discouragement and fear. In this message, we'll break down the story of an Old Testament prophet who faced intense depression on the heels of an incredible victory. If you have been struggling to find hope, you are not alone! God knows where you are, and He’ll help you make a comeback. |
Mon, 17 May 2021
Do you get angry and lose your temper? Have you lost influence because of your angry outbursts, or have you been hurt by the outbursts of others? In this message we look at the story of an Old Testament hero whose anger had devastating consequences for him and the people around him. Through this story you will see that there is hope. You can come back from anger, form new habits, and walk in healing! |
Mon, 10 May 2021
Are you in a hopeless situation? You're not seeing answers to your prayers. You can’t remember the last time you expected something good to happen. Over a period of time, you've lost all belief that your situation could change. In this message we look at a story from the book of Luke, where all hope was gone. If you are in a hopeless situation, this story will help you re-discover hope. It’s never too late for Jesus! |
Thu, 6 May 2021
Are you looking to mend a broken relationship? In this message we will look at a letter the Apostle Paul wrote to a friend named Philemon, who was in conflict with another friend of Paul’s. Paul was caught in the middle. In Paul’s letter, you’ll discover principles to make broken relationships whole—principles not just for the offended and the offender, but also for those of us caught in the middle. |
Tue, 27 April 2021
When you are in the middle of a defeat, it’s difficult to believe victory is coming. Other people might be able to make a comeback, but you just don’t believe it’s going to happen for you. As you watch this video we will look at a time when God’s people were in crisis. The incredible story of their comeback will give you hope that victory is still possible for you, too! |
Wed, 14 April 2021
How should you respond to people that you don’t agree with?
In this message we answer that question by looking at the end of Jonah’s story. What Jonah did once he got out of the whale serves as a good grid for checking whether your concerns line up with God’s concerns. |
Mon, 22 March 2021
Three days inside the belly of a fish? The Bible says Jonah spent three days inside the fish that swallowed him! But it was inside that fish that Jonah found his way back to God. Jonah’s story has important lessons for each of us. In this message you will be reminded of the deep love of your Heavenly Father, and His desire to see you restored. He still has a plan for you! |
Thu, 18 March 2021
Remember that story about Jonah getting swallowed by a giant fish? Well, there's more to that story... Jonah was a runner. When God called him to go to Nineveh, he decided to run the opposite direction. He thought he could outrun God...but God orchestrated events to get him back on track. He will do the same for us. Don't run. Follow. |
Mon, 8 March 2021
Conflict inevitably happens. Even at church, we are going to disagree occasionally. It happens! The true test of our faith and maturity is—How will we conduct ourselves, and how will we resolve those issues? In this message we learn how to handle conflict the right way. |
Mon, 1 March 2021
Ready to experience freedom? In this message we look at a story during a time where the early church was facing intense persecution. Some disciples were put to death, but Peter was put in prison. It wasn't long until God freed Peter - and that same freedom can be yours today! |
Mon, 22 February 2021
Do you need a miracle? Have you been praying and asking God for years? Don't give up! Our God is faithful. Today could be your day! In this message you will hear the story of Peter healing a man who had been waiting for his miracle for a long time. It's a faith building message! |
Mon, 15 February 2021
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Mon, 8 February 2021
Is failure avoidable? Absolutely! In this message we look at a time when Peter failed big. You'll learn the warning signs of failure, and how to recognize those red flags in your own life. There is hope! |
Sun, 31 January 2021
Is there a price for following Jesus? In this message, we study a moment when Jesus had to speak clearly and directly to prepare His disciples, His closest followers, for persecution. This wasn’t an easy message then, and isn’t any easier now. It's a key lesson for every follower of Jesus! |
Mon, 25 January 2021
In this episode, we look at one of the best-known Bible stories in our series on Lessons from the Life of Peter. Through Peter’s story of facing a storm, you’ll learn what to do and how to survive when you face storms in your own life. You'll be encouraged by the reminder that Jesus is with you in the storm! |
Mon, 18 January 2021
Blessing Follows Obedience. In this message we look at a story from the Bible when God provided for Peter in a miraculous way. In it you'll learn important principles for opening the door to God’s blessing in your own life. |
Sun, 10 January 2021
Peter learned some pretty tough lessons while following Jesus as one of His disciples. In this message, we take a hard look at what it cost Peter to follow Jesus—and how that applies to anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord of their life. |
Sun, 3 January 2021