Sat, 25 March 2017
We continue our series by looking at a command of Jesus that is often difficult to follow. This one is life-changing! You will be challenged to make things right with other believers and to learn to forgive.
Direct download: 2017_03_25_Sat_Sermon_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:56pm CDT |
Sat, 18 March 2017
Unfortunately, some people avoid church because they fear encountering "judgmental church people". Whether their fear is based on reality or just perception, it is still a problem. In fact, it is an old problem that Jesus addressed in his day.
Direct download: 2017_03_18_Sat_Sermon_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:32pm CDT |
Sat, 11 March 2017
Did Jesus really say, "If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off"? Ouch!, that sounds extreme! What did Jesus really mean, and how can this passage help us eliminate sin from our lives?
Direct download: 2017_03_11_Sat_Sermon_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:28pm CDT |
Sat, 4 March 2017
It isn't a matter of if we will face difficulty as followers of Jesus, but when. However, Jesus told us that we should be happy when we suffer for His sake. How can we rejoice and be glad when we suffer because of Jesus?
Direct download: 2017_03_04_Sat_Sermon_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:13pm CDT |