Mon, 29 May 2023
In this message, Pastor Randy will pick up the story when our team had two major obstacles between them and safety - the desert and the Red Sea. Their faith was strong because they believed what God had done once, He could do again! You will be moved by the story of supernatural favor and divine protection. |
Mon, 22 May 2023
We prayed, we cried, and we believed. Now we get to hear the miraculous story of Pastor Parker, Pastor Randy, and JT's escape from Sudan. You will be inspired and reminded of God's faithfulness in spite of difficult and uncertain circumstances. The moments of unexplainable rescue and protection will cause you to say, "Only God." |
Mon, 15 May 2023
When someone does you wrong, revenge can be very tempting. You aren’t alone in that temptation. In the story we look at in this message, David was consumed by the thought of revenge. We will learn the consequences of revenge and how to overcome the desire for it. |
Mon, 8 May 2023
Decisions can be difficult. Deciding where to eat and what to wear may seem challenging, but it pales in comparison to major life decisions. When the question is who you should marry, which position you should accept, or where you should move, you look for a sign from God. Major decisions cause you to search for God's will. In this message, we will look at a story where David was faced with an incredibly difficult decision. He was on the run when an opportunity arose that could have set up the future he had dreamed of. But instead of acting off of his emotions, David aligned his decisions with God's vision and plan. You will discover how David's story can help with your next major life decision. |
Mon, 1 May 2023
At some point in life, we all face discouragement. Whether it's a heartbreaking doctor's report or an unexpected family crisis, life includes discouraging challenges. No matter how hard you try, at some point, you will be discouraged. In this message, we continue our series, "Running on Empty". We will look at a story where David was trapped in a cave and fighting for his life - nothing was going according to plan. As he awaited his uncertain future, we see his response to God's faithfulness in spite of his despair. No matter your situation or circumstance, you will be reminded the Lord is faithful! |