Sun, 27 September 2009
We have to learn to forgive. People who decide not to forgive are consumed, held captive, and defined by the hurt they refuse to forgive. But how? How can we forgive?
Sun, 20 September 2009
Why is forgiveness one of the hardest things we have to do? A lot of times, we don't really understand forgiveness. In this message, Rod Loy uncovers what forgiveness really is, and why it's important to forgive.
Sun, 13 September 2009
Another myth we sometimes carry about God is that he can't use us, and doesn't have a plan for us, because we aren't perfect. Only "perfect" people can do great things for God. Well, a short look through the Bible shows that God used plenty of imperfect, and sometimes plain messed up people, for great things. You feel messed up? Join the crowd!
Sun, 6 September 2009
We believe a lot of myths. Sometimes, our myths are formed from our attempts to understand difficult situations. We can't find a logical reason why we haven't been healed or helped, so we reach incorrect conclusions about God. We decide that we are too small, and God is too busy, to care about us.