Mon, 27 June 2022
This is the start of our new series – “Life Verse”. Pastor Rod will kick it off by sharing his life verse and how it has guided him and his family through life's most difficult moments. The music is powerful in this message! |
Mon, 20 June 2022
In this message, we’ll consider some of your questions about the Family Farm and deal with some difficult painful truths. Here are some of the questions we will consider: You’ll discover how making the decision to change your harvest can transform your family’s legacy. You can’t change the past, but you can control your future. |
Mon, 13 June 2022
In this message, we continue "Family Farm" and the study over the right seeds to plant in your family! By now, you understand that whatever seed you plant grows - good or bad. The three seeds that we will look at in this message don't just work in your family - they work in your job, with your friends, and even in our church! |
Tue, 7 June 2022
In this message, we’ll talk about the right seeds to plant. You will learn characteristics and behaviors that will cause your family to grow into everything you imagined and everything God planned they could be. It’s time to plant the right seeds! If you don't yet have a family or don't plan on having one, these principles will still impact the way you approach other relationships. |