Mon, 28 August 2023
In this message, we will look at another encounter Jesus had with an unlikely individual. During the busyness of His ministry, Jesus went out of His way to change the life of an outcast. The story of this rejected and helpless woman will cause you to find hope in your desperate situation and realize you can never outrun God's love! It will be a powerful weekend. |
Mon, 21 August 2023
With this message, we start a new series, "One on One with Jesus." During Jesus' time on Earth, He captivated and inspired people from all walks of life. Jesus performed miracles and taught large crowds of desperate listeners, but he was never too busy for one person in need. We will learn powerful lessons from His interactions with unlikely individuals. We’ll start with one of the most amazing miracle stories! You will be encouraged to believe for your miracle! |
Mon, 14 August 2023
Who is your master? What has control of you? For many, the answer would be drugs, technology, toxic relationships, or excessive spending. Unhealthy and dangerous habits can quickly trap you in the chains of toxicity and sin. So how do you escape? As we finish our series looking at passages in the Bible that challenge our usual way of living, we discover a key lesson from Paul. Paul knew the captivating power of sin. He recognized the danger of being controlled by the wrong master. By learning from his words to the Romans, you will discover that making Jesus your master leads to true freedom! |
Mon, 7 August 2023
If you were offered a large sum of money, chances are you would take it. No matter how much you have or don't have, more money always seems like the best option. Money attracts people, drives people, and pushes people over the edge. More money seems nice, but what does Jesus say? As we continue to look at principles in the Bible that go against the traditional way of thinking, we come across a challenging lesson from Jesus. Jesus knows money has the power to control you and cause you to worry. He sees the stress and anxiety that your finances create. In a world that pushes you to have and make more, Jesus releases you from that pressure in an unexpected way. |