Mon, 28 March 2022
In Ephesians 5:8, Paul instructed us to “live as children of light”. In this message, we’ll look at more of Paul’s instructions regarding how children of the light should live. It will be challenging and convicting but will finish with an uplifting encouragement.
-- posted at: 10:00am CST
Mon, 21 March 2022
In this message, we will continue our study of Ephesians with a particularly interesting command from Paul in: “Be imitators of God…” (Eph. 5:1). Ephesians 5:1-9 is a powerful passage that will help you learn what it means to live like Jesus.
Mon, 14 March 2022
In this message, we continue our study of Ephesians with instructions from Paul about living as the new you and leaving the old you behind. We finish with a life-changing principle from Scripture that will fill you with hope for the future. |
Mon, 7 March 2022
In this message, our study of Ephesians will continue with a look at Paul’s instructions regarding living worthy of your calling. We look at another powerful passage in this incredible book that is helping us learn to live as biblical Christians. |