Sun, 31 July 2016
One of the things we seem to have lost over time is our song. Sometimes life gets us down. How can we have joy, how can we sing with the way the world seems to be going today? Have you been there? What do you do when you lose your song?
Direct download: 2016_07_30_Sat_Message_1-2-MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:45am CDT |
Sun, 24 July 2016
It's an interesting time in America right now. It seems like a lot of people have lost their sanity. They are going crazy, giving in to fear and believing some of the most ridiculous things. Remember, we serve a God who is everywhere. He is bigger, stronger, and mightier than any crisis or political party. What can Christ followers do to restore some sanity on our culture? You may not like the answer.
Direct download: 2016_07_23_Sat_Sermon_1-2-MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm CDT |
Sun, 17 July 2016
It's a horrible feeling to lose something special and important to you. In this message, Pastor Rod Loy talks about something many Christians seem to have lost - something special, important, that Scripture commands. Too many Christians have lost their smile. They don't display the joy of knowing, following, and serving Jesus.
Direct download: 2016_07_16_Sat_Sermon_1-2-MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:28pm CDT |
Sun, 10 July 2016
The American church hasn't always been willing to talk about suffering. But we can't avoid the topic - the Bible spends a fair amount of time on this subject. How should a believer face suffering?
Direct download: 2016_07_10_AM_Podcast_1-2-MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:08pm CDT |
Sun, 3 July 2016
Loneliness can affect all of us. Sometimes it is for a moment, and sometimes it seems like it will never end. What can we do at these times of life?
Direct download: 2016_07_02_Sat_Sermon_1-2-MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm CDT |