Sat, 24 November 2018
Pastor Rod continues our series Come to the Table with a powerful message on God's Grace.
Direct download: 2018_11_24_Sat_Podcast_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37pm CST |
Sat, 17 November 2018
We continue our study of David and Mephibosheth in the next installment of our series, Come to the Table. It is a powerful message stressing the importance of serving.
Direct download: 2018_11_17_Sat_Podcast_-_MP3_for_Audio_Podcasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:13pm CST |
Sat, 17 November 2018
How do we move past our pain to be able to experience all that God has planned for us? |