Sun, 29 July 2012
Average Pete, a hotheaded guy who made bad decisions, was transformed by Christ into a "super" version of himself. This former fisherman became a great leader of the faith. God sees the "super" in you, too - you don't have to be average! |
Sun, 22 July 2012
How can we disagree without our disagreement dissolving into a church fight? People can lose sight of what really matters and get a church off mission. The true test of our faith is this - how will we conduct ourselves and will we resolve those issues? |
Sun, 15 July 2012
Some of us spend every day in prison. Not a literal prison, but we are held captive by depression, addictions, fear. It is a dark cell that makes some days a struggle just to move through life. But God can set us free from our prisons! This message is by Pastor Randy Jumper, our missions and young adult pastor. |
Sun, 8 July 2012
God used a preacher with a prejudice and a Gentile seeker to change the church world at that time, and for all time. It is because of this moment that the whole world was open to the Gospel! |
Sun, 1 July 2012
God used a preacher with a prejudice and a Gentile seeker, searching for God, to change the church world at that time, and for all time. |