Mon, 20 January 2025
In the Church, we all play a role in reaching lost people and making life-long followers of Jesus. There are no superheroes, A-listers, or lone warriors - we come together to form a team that Paul calls "the body of Christ" (1 Cor. 12). This message continues our series, "Buckle Up". We learn how God designed His Church to accomplish His mission by using people just like you! Buckle up - we've got a job to do and you play an important role! |
Mon, 13 January 2025
When someone says, "Buckle Up", you know there is something ahead you need to prepare for. It may be a challenge, a difficulty or a hard truth, but no matter what it is, you need to buckle up! This message kicks off a new series: “Buckle Up”. At FirstNLR we believe in being Biblical Christians - the Bible should guide how we talk, act, and treat others. In this series, we dive deep into Romans chapter 12, where we will raise the bar for how followers of Jesus are supposed to live. We challenge you to live up to the biblical standard! It's your choice - will you accept the challenge? |
Mon, 6 January 2025
Since becoming pastor, Pastor Rod has taught from the same passage in Acts chapter two at the start of each year. From this passage, we can identify twelve signs of a healthy, growing church. Whether you are new to our church family or have been a faithful member for years, this message is an important reminder that we all play a role in keeping our church healthy. This is the perfect message to share with someone - they will learn who we are and what we believe! |