First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast
Weekend messages from Pastor Rod Loy and FirstNLR.
























February 2025
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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As we continue looking at Romans chapter 12, we come to verses 13 and 14: Rom. 12:13 Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Paul's words are a clear and straightforward command for each of us - it's time to be generous and hospitable. In this message, you will learn practical ways to follow Paul's command. You will also be presented with the opportunity to put generosity in action!

Direct download: 2025_02_02_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, as we continue “Buckle Up”, we look at Romans chapter 12, verses 11 and 12: Rom. 12:11 "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Get ready, this message is going to be very, very challenging. It could also be absolutely life changing. We pray you will discover or re-discover a passionate love for Jesus!

Direct download: 2025_01_26_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In the Church, we all play a role in reaching lost people and making life-long followers of Jesus. There are no superheroes, A-listers, or lone warriors - we come together to form a team that Paul calls "the body of Christ" (1 Cor. 12).

This message continues our series, "Buckle Up". We learn how God designed His Church to accomplish His mission by using people just like you! Buckle up - we've got a job to do and you play an important role!

Direct download: 2025_01_19_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

When someone says, "Buckle Up", you know there is something ahead you need to prepare for. It may be a challenge, a difficulty or a hard truth, but no matter what it is, you need to buckle up!

This message kicks off a new series: “Buckle Up”. At FirstNLR we believe in being Biblical Christians - the Bible should guide how we talk, act, and treat others. In this series, we dive deep into Romans chapter 12, where we will raise the bar for how followers of Jesus are supposed to live.  We challenge you to live up to the biblical standard! It's your choice - will you accept the challenge?

Direct download: 2025_01_12_Audio_Podcast_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Since becoming pastor, Pastor Rod has taught from the same passage in Acts chapter two at the start of each year. From this passage, we can identify twelve signs of a healthy, growing church. Whether you are new to our church family or have been a faithful member for years, this message is an important reminder that we all play a role in keeping our church healthy. This is the perfect message to share with someone - they will learn who we are and what we believe!

Direct download: 2025_01_05_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Are you ready to step into lasting freedom? In this message, we’ll explore how to break free from the chains of addiction, shame, and struggle. Discover hope, healing, and the promise of transformation in Christ. This is your chance to embrace a new way of living and make 2025 your Year of Freedom.

Direct download: 2024_12_29_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Christmas service features beautiful music, a meaningful moment of communion and the life changing message of Christmas. We would love for you to share this message with your family. You are going to love the start of service. It features all your favorite Christmas songs in eleven minutes!   

Direct download: 2024_12_21_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This message we will finish the 23rd Psalm by looking at the final verse. It's an incredibly encouraging message that will remind you of God's goodness and mercy and our forever home! It's one you won't want to miss.

Direct download: 2024_12_15_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:57am CST

Sometimes, the problems and difficulties of life are overwhelming. Everything seems to go wrong, and you can't find a solution. When that happens, what do you do?

In this message, you will learn verse 5 of the 23rd Psalm. In life's most challenging moments, your Good Shepherd watches over you, prepares a way, and cares for you. This verse is a beautiful picture of God's love!

Direct download: 2024_12_08_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:02am CST

When you are surrounded by difficulty and trouble, you find yourself in a valley. No one gets a free pass from hard times in life! When you know that valleys will come, how do you prepare?

In this message, we learn verse 4 of the 23rd Psalm. When you find yourself in a valley, your Good Shepherd is there to lead you through. It's an encouraging message you need to hear!

Direct download: 2024_12_01_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, as we continue the 23rd Psalm, you’ll learn how to discover and follow God’s plan for your life. We will also celebrate God’s plan for restoration and redemption. You will be encouraged and grateful.

Direct download: 2024_11_24_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, as we continue to memorize Psalm 23, we focus on a verse that is encouraging if you are busy, stressed, anxious, and worried.  If you find yourself facing pressure and searching for peace, this message is for you!

Direct download: 2024_11_17_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This message focuses on the powerful first line of Psalm 23: "The Lord is my Shepherd." As you watch and learn insights into the life of a shepherd, you’ll see how this verse shows God’s love, presence, and commitment to us. It’s a reminder that we’re never alone or without help—God is with us every step of the way.

Direct download: 2024_11_10_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

At FirstNLR, the idea that Every Soul Matters to God is our guiding principle. We believe every person. -no matter their skin color, background, race, economic status, or geographical location - matters to God. In this message, we will look at 6 different levels of that belief. It will be challenging and inspiring - you don't want to miss it!

Direct download: 2024_11_02_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, you will get the chance to hear incredible stories of miracles from around the world! Your faithful and regular missions giving has made it possible for hundreds of missionaries and projects to tell people about Jesus. Watch this video to hear how you have helped us capitalize on these windows of opportunity!

Direct download: 2024_10_26_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

A window of opportunity is a limited period of time when your actions, decisions and circumstances all work together for the best possible impact. Taking advantage of a window of opportunity often involves sacrifice. Action must be taken quickly or the window will close.

In this message, we begin a new series and discuss how you can capitalize on windows of opportunity for God's Kingdom. Taking advantage of these moments will have an eternal impact!

Direct download: 2024_10_20_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we finish by talking about kindness. For followers of Jesus, kindness should be the normal way to talk. Pastor Rod will share 7 ways to help your words be kind!

Direct download: 2024_10_13_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:50am CST

In this message, as we learn to THINK, we discover the power of inspiring words. Your words have the potential to inspire an individual, a group, or even an entire generation to achieve big things for God's Kingdom. It's up to you, will your words inspire and encourage or will they tear down and destroy?

Direct download: 2024_09_29_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

If you list the qualities of your favorite person to spend time with, chances are. the word"helpful" will be included. We all love spending time with helpful people. But being helpful is not just about your actions, it's also based on your words! 

In this message, we continue learning how to THINK before we speak. As we get to letter H, you will be challenged. Are your words helpful or harmful?

Direct download: 2024_09_22_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

The Bible has a lot to say about the power of telling the truth and the dangers of lying. In this message, we will look at some passages that make the difference clear. As we continue to learn how followers of Jesus should speak and post, you will learn the value of truth in your words.

Direct download: 2024_09_15_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” Your words have power – to hurt and to heal. In this message, we start a new series that will challenge you to speak and post differently, and to THINK before you speak!  


What do your words reveal about you?

Direct download: 2024_09_08_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we finish looking at the life of Joseph. The story of Joseph's rise to the top is encouraging and inspiring - God can bring success from a terrible situation. As we come to the end of his story, you will discover Joseph's true path to success came from his commitment to being faithful in every moment. You will be challenged by Joseph's example!

Direct download: 2024_09_01_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message we will consider a question that all believers wrestle with - "Why do bad things happen to good people?" It's a question people try to cover up with cliches because they don't have a genuine answer. It may be one you are currently facing!

As we continue learning from the life of Joseph, we will stop and consider the terrible situations he faced throughout his life. From his response to trouble, you will gain a new perspective when bad things happen to you!

Direct download: 2024_08_25_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

When someone hurts you, the world tells you to get revenge. Some call it getting even or making things right. But what does the Bible tell you to do?

As we continue to learn from the life of Joseph, we pick up the story where Joseph had the opportunity to pay his family back for the years of misery they caused. His example will challenge how you respond when others hurt you!

Direct download: 2024_08_18_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Jesus makes it clear, in this world we will have trouble! (Jn. 16:33) Because we have this promise, it shouldn't be a surprise when stuff goes wrong. As a follower of Jesus, how should you respond when a crisis comes?

In this message, we pick up the story of Joseph when his family is in a complete moment of crisis - everything is going wrong. By looking at their response to difficulty, you will learn important lessons for how you should handle a crisis when it comes!

Direct download: 2024_08_11_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we want you to consider the question, "Who is the least likely person to accept Jesus?" Is there a person in your family, at your work, or in your life that even Jesus can't change? As you consider this question, you will learn the life pattern of people we often consider unreachable and God's plan to reach them anyway. The lesson comes from an epic moment in the life of Joseph.

Direct download: 2024_08_04_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

No one likes to wait. Whether you are waiting at the doctor's office, for your food to be ready or for the latest movie to be released, having to wait is frustrating. But the worst kind of waiting is when you are left wondering when God will fulfill His promise and dream for your life.

In this message, we will look at a moment in Joseph's life when he was left waiting for God to come through. If you feel alone and forgotten, this message will be incredibly encouraging. In a season of waiting, God is still working!

Direct download: 2024_07_28_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Have you ever asked “Why Me?” You’ve been faithful and obedient, but things are still going wrong. In those moments, what do you do? How do you respond? In this message, looking at the life of Joseph, we’ll consider this difficult theological question. You’ll discover some encouraging principles and God’s purpose through your pain. It’s going to be a great weekend!

Direct download: 2024_07_21_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

We live in a sin-sick world.  Since we are constantly surrounded by. sin,we have become used to it and - in some cases - even tolerated it. What is the answer?

In this message, as we continue to study the life of Joseph, we will look at a crucial moment in his journey where he faced extreme temptation but remained faithful to God. Through Joseph’s example, you will learn practical principles to help you resist sin!

Direct download: 2024_07_14_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

From the earliest age, every child dreams of achieving something special. But just as soon as the dream emerges, someone is there to kill the dream and push them to be "realistic". If you have given up on your dreams and settled for something less, God can still use you!

In this message, we will continue looking at the life of Joseph and discover God's dream for your life is not limited by imagination or ability. He can do more than you ask, imagine, or dream!

Direct download: 2024_07_07_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This message begins a new series on the life of Joseph. You will learn powerful lessons from the heartache Joseph faced and the faithfulness God displayed. In spite of the twists, turns, and tragedy, God helped Joesph overcome unbeatable odds and become a powerful leader.

We kick it off by learning how Joseph's dysfunctional family and past mistakes did not stop God from using him. If you have a past - or any excuse that is holding you back - this message is for you!

Direct download: 2024_06_30_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message you will hear an incredible story about the redeeming power of God. If someone you love feels helpless, hopeless and at rock bottom, send them this video! They will discover that through Jesus, there is hope for a new beginning! And, if you need your hope restored, watch it now!

Direct download: 2024_06_23_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

It’s an election year. Our country is struggling; it’s overwhelming to think about everything broken and going wrong. As we approach November, I get a lot of pressure to endorse candidates, make statements, etc. People on all sides get angry.

This message will be Pastor Rod's only public political statement for the year. You might be surprised to learn that God’s answer for our country is not found in any political party or candidate. Instead, it will come when God’s people follow God’s plan. As you watch, you will discover the role you play.

Direct download: 2024_06_16_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Conflict is inevitable – at home, work and even at church. Unhealthy approaches to conflict harm your witness and damage those around you. It’s important you learn how to handle things the right way – the biblical way. In this message, we will look at a story in the book of Acts and discover the power of our Core Value: Resolve Conflict Biblically. 

Direct download: 2024_06_09_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we’ll look at a Bible story that highlights the value of working together. It’s a great, encouraging story that will remind you just how big a difference you make!

Direct download: 2024_06_02_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we continue our Core Value series and talk about developing and maintaining a strong relationship with God. If you’ve been feeling distant or disconnected, this message is perfect for you!

Direct download: 2024_05_26_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Life often has a way of presenting new challenges and unique struggles for you to figure out and solve. Living in a sin-sick, broken world makes things difficult! In this message, we will continue our "Core Values" series by talking about how the Bible is our guidebook for living. When you face trouble in this life, you can look to God's Word for the solution!

Direct download: 2024_05_19_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This message continues our "Core Values" series by discussing the importance of building healthy families! You will learn important principles for building a healthy family and the excuses people make to keep them from doing so.

Direct download: 2024_05_12_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This message kicks of our new series: “Core Values”. In this series, we’ll look at the values that are foundational at FirstNLR – and influence everything we do. Whether you are new to the church or have been coming for years, you’ll enjoy this one!

We start with the value that has become the slogan for our church. When you believe that “Every Soul Matters to God”, it influences your words, actions and behavior.

Direct download: 2024_05_04_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This message is the conclusion of our series on stewardship. We cover a challenging principle and idea - sacrifice. As Americans, we hate the thought of going without comfort and preference. But Jesus calls His followers to a standard that destroys those expectations.  You will learn a radical new way to live.

Direct download: 2024_04_28_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we continue talking about stewardship as we move to level two of the pyramid - generosity. You will discover what generosity really means and what God can do with a church full of generous believers.

Direct download: 2024_04_21_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message we continue our series on stewardship by talking about the most basic level - obedience. Obeying what God says about your money is the first step in experiencing the blessings He promises. If money is a major cause of stress, this message will point to the answer!

Direct download: 2024_04_14_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This message is the start of our new series, "Stewardship". Because there is a lot of confusion about giving, this is a topic we need to talk about. We will explore the steps of stewardship and God's response. The lessons you will learn can change your life!

Direct download: 2024_04_07_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05am CST

In this message, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and share the story of His love. Jesus is knocking. Will you answer?

Direct download: 2024_03_31_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This message concludes our series, "No Name". We look at the story of an unnamed servant who led an unlikely candidate to receive God's healing power. You will learn the goal is not to be known, but to put God's power on display. 

Direct download: 2024_03_24_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we look at an entire family of no names and their decision to hold on to their sinful past. Through their failure, you will learn how to avoid the pain and heartache of repeating the past. It will be a powerful and challenging message!

Direct download: 2024_03_17_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we will look at another passage where the main character has no name. It’s an incredible story, with an even more remarkable ending. You’ll learn lessons about being grateful!

Direct download: 2024_03_09_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am CST

In this message, as we continue our series, "No Name", we look at one of Jesus' most famous miracles. In spite of the miracle's popularity, the hero of the story is an unknown little boy. Through this young boy's willingness to give towards an overwhelming need, you will learn an important lesson about God's desire to use you to achieve the miraculous.

Direct download: 2024_03_03_Audio_Podcast_Safe.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:23am CST

In this message, we look at a woman who modeled outrageous trust in God. When she had nothing, she gave God everything.  Her simple and obedient act was enough to catch the attention of Jesus. Her story will challenge you and remind you that Jesus knows your story!

Direct download: 2024_02_25_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This message is the start of our new series, "No Name." Over the next six messages, we will look at some familiar stories from the Bible where the hero is never named. Although we don't know their name, we learn a lot from their faith! We start by looking at a marginalized man who Jesus included - it's an amazing story!

Direct download: 2024_02_18_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Direct download: 2024_02_11_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we continue our series on forgiveness by talking about one of the most difficult aspects of forgiveness - forgiving yourself. Ugly mistakes, painful failures, and past regrets have kept you trapped for too long - it's time to experience the freedom Jesus offers by starting the forgiveness journey. In spite of your painful past, you can move forward! 

Direct download: 2024_02_04_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we continue by looking at some practical steps for how to forgive. It is possible! Be ready to learn principles that will change your forgiveness journey.

Direct download: 2024_01_28_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we look at some very practical reasons why you should forgive. You will understand just how much depends on your decision to forgive. This is a life-changing message for you.

Direct download: 2024_01_21_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Over the next five weeks, we will talk about forgiveness and consider five key questions to help us understand the importance of forgiveness. Here’s a sneak preview: everything depends on it!  If you have pain from your past or are struggling to forgive - this message is for you!

Direct download: 2024_01_14_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

At FirstNLR, our goal is to be a healthy church – functioning as God intended and designed. In this message, we will look at the 12 signs of a healthy church found in Acts, chapter 2. It is a great message to share – they will learn who we are and what matters most. Pastor Rod also talks about some changes to expect in 2024. It’s going to be a special year.

Direct download: 2024_01_07_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Did everything go as planned in 2023? If not, don't worry - 2024 can be a better year! In this message, we will look at the story that follows the birth of Jesus and learn together some practical things to do during a season of waiting. If you want to see a change in 2024, watch this message!

Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Direct download: 2023_12_23_Audio_Podcast_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm CST

Are you tired, weak, and worn down? In the busyness of the holiday season, exhaustion often reveals itself. Watch the final message of our "Overcoming" series. With God's help, you can overcome exhaustion!

Direct download: 2023_12_17_23_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we will continue our series by learning how God can help you overcome loneliness.

Direct download: 2023_12_10_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

This weekend, we will continue our series, "Overcoming", by talking about how God's power can help you overcome depression. If you or a loved one struggles with depression, we encourage you to watch or share this video!

Direct download: 2023_12_03_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, will continue our series, "Overcoming", and learn how to overcome an issue that affects all of us - fear. With God's help, you can overcome the fears that control you! 

Direct download: 2023_11_26_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we will continue our series, “Overcoming,” and talk about how to overcome low self-worth with God’s help!

Direct download: 2023_11_19_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:01am CST

In this message, we are discussing anxiety. This life-controlling issue is impacting all generations. It doesn't matter how old you are, how much money you have, or what color your skin is - anxiety can affect you. But just because anxiety is common, doesn't mean it has to control you. With God's power, you can learn to overcome anxiety!

Direct download: 2023_11_12_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we will discover another limitless aspect of God - His reach. No place is too difficult, and no person is too lost to be reached by the love and power of God. You will hear incredible stories of God's relentless desire to have His love shared with all people.

Direct download: 2023_11_05_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we will learn another limitless aspect of God – His power. No issue, conflict, or attack of the enemy is too difficult for God's power to defeat! You will hear one of the craziest stories and leave in awe at God's miraculous power.

Direct download: 2023_10_29_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Everything in this world is limited. Nothing lasts forever because - ultimately - our time on Earth doesn't last forever. No matter how much money, time, or energy you have, eventually it runs out. In this message, we will look at a characteristic of God that is limitless. 

Direct download: 2023_10_22_Audio_Podcast_NEW_NEW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:02am CST

It is easy to see where people place their trust. What people trust in and rely on is what the rest of their life is centered around. Whether it is money, success, or popularity, everyone places their trust somewhere. But as followers of Jesus, we are called to fully trust in God.

In this message, we will look at the story of Jesus' interaction with a very successful man. By common standards, he had achieved great things. But when fully following Jesus required him to trust God instead of his money, he couldn't commit. The idea of giving God complete control of his life caused him to walk away. How will you respond when God calls you to fully trust in Him?

Direct download: 2023_10_15_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Have you ever looked at a person with a series of horrible life decisions and said, "There is no hope for them"? Have you ever given up on someone because their past mistakes continue to be their present choices? Maybe you have done that to yourself. If so, the story we look at in this message will challenge your view on grace and highlight how God sees those people. You will discover no matter who you are or what you have done, it is never too late for Jesus!

Direct download: 2023_10_08_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm CST

In this message, we will look at the story of Jesus' interaction with a man who was controlled by something he couldn't defeat. Every aspect of his life was dictated by this issue - he didn't go a day without the pain of being held captive. No matter what he tried, he couldn't break free. But when Jesus arrived, everything changed! You will learn that Jesus can bring you that same freedom!

Direct download: 2023_10_01_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, as we continue One-On-One with Jesus, we’ll look at a fascinating story of grace and forgiveness. Lessons from this story will teach you about the restoration and forgiveness God extends to you. 

Direct download: 2023_09_24_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

The disciple Matthew is viewed as a strong leader in the early church. He faithfully followed Jesus, assisted in ministry, and wrote a book of the Bible. For many people, Matthew is a biblical hero. But when Jesus called Matthew to follow Him, it was shocking. To the people who knew Matthew, his past should have disqualified him from following Jesus.

In this message, we will look at Jesus' interaction with Matthew and His simple call to "follow." You will see no matter who you are, what you have done, or how far you have run from God, you are the perfect candidate for Jesus. Just like with Matthew, Jesus is calling you to "follow." 

Direct download: 2023_09_17_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Have you ever doubted God? Maybe a tragedy in life or a season of difficulty caused you to question your faith. If you are facing doubt right now, you may have so many questions that you aren't sure how you could ever believe in Him again. How can you believe in God and still deal with doubt? 

In this message, we will learn from the most famous doubter of all time - Thomas. Jesus' interaction with Thomas highlights how easy it is to doubt God and teaches key lessons we can all apply in seasons of doubt. Whether you are currently in that season or not, this is a great opportunity to learn how to deal with doubt! 

Direct download: 2023_09_10_Audio_Podcast_NEW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:08am CST

Have you ever known someone who had a shameful, sinful, public past? You look at those people and eliminate their chances of ever finding Jesus - you think they've done too much or gone too far. Maybe that's how you look at yourself. You remember past mistakes and allow them to disqualify you from God's love. 
In this message, we will look at Jesus' interaction with a woman who everyone counted out. She knew what people thought of her past but didn't allow anything to keep her from Jesus. Instead of responding with shame and condemnation, Jesus welcomed the woman and extended undeserved grace.

Direct download: 2023_09_02_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm CST

In this message, we will look at another encounter Jesus had with an unlikely individual. During the busyness of His ministry, Jesus went out of His way to change the life of an outcast. The story of this rejected and helpless woman will cause you to find hope in your desperate situation and realize you can never outrun God's love! It will be a powerful weekend.

Direct download: 2023_08_27_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

With this message, we start a new series, "One on One with Jesus." During Jesus' time on Earth, He captivated and inspired people from all walks of life. Jesus performed miracles and taught large crowds of desperate listeners, but he was never too busy for one person in need. We will learn powerful lessons from His interactions with unlikely individuals. We’ll start with one of the most amazing miracle stories! You will be encouraged to believe for your miracle!

Direct download: 2023_08_20_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Who is your master? What has control of you? For many, the answer would be drugs, technology, toxic relationships, or excessive spending. Unhealthy and dangerous habits can quickly trap you in the chains of toxicity and sin. So how do you escape?

As we finish our series looking at passages in the Bible that challenge our usual way of living, we discover a key lesson from Paul. Paul knew the captivating power of sin. He recognized the danger of being controlled by the wrong master. By learning from his words to the Romans, you will discover that making Jesus your master leads to true freedom!

Direct download: 2023_08_13_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

If you were offered a large sum of money, chances are you would take it. No matter how much you have or don't have, more money always seems like the best option. Money attracts people, drives people, and pushes people over the edge. More money seems nice, but what does Jesus say? 

As we continue to look at principles in the Bible that go against the traditional way of thinking, we come across a challenging lesson from Jesus. Jesus knows money has the power to control you and cause you to worry. He sees the stress and anxiety that your finances create. In a world that pushes you to have and make more, Jesus releases you from that pressure in an unexpected way. 

Direct download: 2023_08_06_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

When you think about the word, "enemy", who comes to mind? No matter who they are or how you know them, at some point in life, they hurt you deeply. Just picturing that person causes your blood pressure to go up, your fists to clench, and your mind to dream of revenge. If you could delete anyone from your life, this person would be your first choice.

As we continue our series, "Upside Down", you will discover another passage from the Bible that will help you stand out and point others to Jesus. In a world where revenge is common - and often approved - Jesus offers a countercultural command. Instead of targeting your enemy, He calls you to love them. This "upside down" statement is another key to being a life-long follower!

Direct download: 2023_07_30_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Some people make following Jesus sound easy. They claim being a Christian will result in an easy life, low stress, and big barrels of money. All of that sounds great - everyone would sign up for that deal. But is it true? 

As we continue our series, "Upside Down", we will take a look at another unconventional statement in the Bible. In a moment where Jesus was teaching His disciples, we discover the true price of being a "life-long follower." Jesus' death on the cross puts following into perspective. 

Direct download: 2023_07_23_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In today's world, winning matters. More than that, winning is the only thing that matters. On the sports team, your child needs to be the best. In school, your grades need to be the highest. At work, your production needs to outshine the competition. People push and pressure each other to be first. 

As we continue our series, "Upside Down", we will continue looking at unconventional passages in the Bible. In this message, you will learn a principle from Jesus that flies in the face of today's "must win" culture. According to Jesus, true success is achieved when you intentionally place yourself last. In order to be first, put others before you.

Direct download: 2023_07_16_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

One of my favorite thinking exercises is to approach a problem from a completely different perspective. I take my assumption or knowledge, turn it upside down and force myself to find a new, creative solution. I call it "upside-down thinking." 

As we begin our new series, "Upside Down", you will discover some upside-down statements in the Bible and learn how to apply them to your life. In this message, you will learn to embrace your weakness so God's strength can be made perfect. 

Direct download: 2023_07_09_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Pastor Parker, Pastor Randy, and Missionary JT Espejo were trapped in Sudan. For 13 days we prayed and believed the Lord would miraculously deliver them to safety. God did exactly that! 

Pastor Rod learned numerous lessons from the journey during and after the team's time trapped in a warzone. This journey taught him about parenting, what truly matters, and his relationship with the Lord. In this message, he will share his lessons so you can be prepared before your crisis. 

Direct download: 2023_07_02_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Everyone lives with expectations. You have expectations for your children, future, and career. Your plans and dreams are based on those expectations. But what happens when your expectations aren't met? What do you do when reality disappoints you? 

In this message, you'll discover how David's emotions in a disappointing season led to an unrealistic reaction. His extreme disappointment exposed his misplaced trust. When you trust the Lord, you don't have to be disappointed when reality doesn't meet your expectations!

Direct download: 2023_06_25_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am CST

Everyone dreams of what their life and family will be like. How many kids will you have? What position will you accept? When will you retire? You often dream about the future and God's plan for your life. But what happens when your world falls apart and your dreams die? 

In this message, we will continue to learn from the life of David. Looking at a moment in David's life where his greatest dreams seemed to be slipping away, you will see how easy it is to forget God's faithfulness in the middle of difficulty. But David's reaction to his dying dreams will teach you common mistakes to avoid. When all hope seems to be lost, God still has a plan for your life! 

Direct download: 2023_06_18_LIBSYN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Everyone loves to win. Celebrating an accomplishment or experiencing a victory seems to make every minor inconvenience in life disappear. But experiencing a great loss or walking through a painful season emphasizes the struggles you already face. What do you do when you lose? 

In this message, we will look at a story where David suffered a tragic loss. Instead of rejoicing in the victory of battle, David found himself discouraged because of his unimaginable circumstances. But in spite of the tragedy that surrounded him, David prioritized his relationship with the Lord. You will learn what to do in the face of life-changing loss.

Direct download: 2023_06_11_Audio_Podcast_LIBSYN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

As Pastor Parker and Pastor Randy have told the story of our team's escape from Sudan, God's divine intervention has been on full display. Miracle after miracle prove that their safe return is one only God could have orchestrated. If you missed either of the first two messages, we encourage you to watch them.

In this message, Missionary JT Espejo will finish the story with his unique perspective on their time in Sudan. You will celebrate the goodness of God!

Direct download: 2023_06_04_Audio_Podcast_NEW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, Pastor Randy will pick up the story when our team had two major obstacles between them and safety - the desert and the Red Sea. Their faith was strong because they believed what God had done once, He could do again! You will be moved by the story of supernatural favor and divine protection.

Direct download: 2023_05_28_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

We prayed, we cried, and we believed. Now we get to hear the miraculous story of Pastor Parker, Pastor Randy, and JT's escape from Sudan. You will be inspired and reminded of God's faithfulness in spite of difficult and uncertain circumstances. The moments of unexplainable rescue and protection will cause you to say, "Only God."

Direct download: 2023_05_21_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am CST

When someone does you wrong, revenge can be very tempting. You aren’t alone in that temptation. In the story we look at in this message, David was consumed by the thought of revenge. We will learn the consequences of revenge and how to overcome the desire for it.

Direct download: 2023_05_14_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Decisions can be difficult. Deciding where to eat and what to wear may seem challenging, but it pales in comparison to major life decisions. When the question is who you should marry, which position you should accept, or where you should move, you look for a sign from God. Major decisions cause you to search for God's will. 

In this message, we will look at a story where David was faced with an incredibly difficult decision. He was on the run when an opportunity arose that could have set up the future he had dreamed of. But instead of acting off of his emotions, David aligned his decisions with God's vision and plan. You will discover how David's story can help with your next major life decision. 

Direct download: 2023_05_07_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

At some point in life, we all face discouragement. Whether it's a heartbreaking doctor's report or an unexpected family crisis, life includes discouraging challenges. No matter how hard you try, at some point, you will be discouraged.

In this message, we continue our series, "Running on Empty". We will look at a story where David was trapped in a cave and fighting for his life - nothing was going according to plan. As he awaited his uncertain future, we see his response to God's faithfulness in spite of his despair. No matter your situation or circumstance, you will be reminded the Lord is faithful!

Direct download: 2023_04_30_Audio_Podcast_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Have you ever been in a desperate situation? Maybe you are in one right now. You feel stuck, overwhelmed, and helpless. When you find yourself in a desperate situation, you make decisions you never thought you would. 

In this message, we begin our new series, "Running on Empty". We will learn lessons from the life of one of the most famous people in the Bible - David. Throughout his life, David experienced some amazing victories. But he also faced many difficulties. We begin with David in a place of desperation and learn the destructive pattern of desperate people. 

Direct download: 2023_04_23_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Have you ever been betrayed? Have hateful words or actions changed your life? Maybe you've learned the people closest to you can hurt you the most. Facing the attack of a once-trusted friend and learning to move on is painful.

In this message, we will rewind to Jesus' final moments before His crucifixion and the Easter story. Understanding the pain Jesus experienced at the hands of His closest followers makes His decision to die on the cross extraordinarily powerful. You will be comforted and challenged by Jesus' actions.

Direct download: 2023_04_16_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Do you feel like things in your life are finished? Does it seem like you have no hope? In the case of Jesus, what looked like the biggest possible loss was really a win.  The end was really only the beginning. In this message, we look at the one day that changed the world forever!

Direct download: 2023_04_09_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

What do you do when challenging times come? What is your response to the unexpected?

In this message, we look at the faithfulness of God. No matter what challenge has come your way, no matter what difficulty you face, whether expected or unexpected, you can lean on the faithfulness of God. He is always with you!

Direct download: 2023_04_02_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:58am CST

At First NLR, we believe the Bible is our guidebook for living - the entire Bible. Every section of Scripture holds key lessons and meaningful words that God wants His people to learn. As a biblical Christian, you can't ignore verses, chapters, or books that include difficult truths. 

In this message we continue our series, "One Day that Changed the World." We look at a lesson Jesus gave His disciples right before He was crucified. As it was one of the final things Jesus taught, it's an important part of being a biblical Christian. This is a lesson we all need to hear!

Direct download: 2023_03_26_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Following Jesus and making it to Heaven often seems difficult and complex. How many prayers must you pray? How much of the Bible must you memorize? Sometimes it seems daunting! But if the path to Heaven was held in a single sentence - only 19 words - would it seem easier to reach?  

In this message, we will continue to learn from the final 24 hours Jesus spent with His disciples before His crucifixion. As the disciples were faced with the fear of Jesus' death, Jesus gave them 19 life changing words. In a single sentence, Jesus provided the answer that our lost world needs today! 

Direct download: 2023_03_18_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

Has there ever been a day that changed your life? In a matter of moments your life was different - things would never go back to the way they were. You look back on that day with pain or happiness. Either way, those life-altering moments tell a monumental part of your story.

This message starts our new series - "One Day that Changed the World." We look at the final 24 hours Jesus spent with His disciples before His crucifixion. His final moments were filled with historic events, extraordinary lessons, and extreme heartbreak. We begin by learning how Jesus displayed true leadership in controversial fashion - it isa challenging lesson for us all. 

Direct download: 2023_03_12_Audio_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST

In this message, we finish our series by looking at the blessings God makes available to each of us through His Holy Spirit. If you are in a season of difficulty, this message will encourage you to keep going and challenge you to trust the Lord. In spite of your hurt and pain, the Holy Spirit can guide you through. 

Direct download: 2023_03_04_Audio_Podcast_123456.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CST